Posted Date: 09/09/2024
Parents of Post Student Transfers,
Please be advised that we will begin picking your child up in the mornings and dropping them off in the afternoons at a different location. We will begin this new site on Wednesday morning, September 11, 2024. We think this location will be a safer location than having to cross the railroad tracks in Post. The new bus site will be 1.3 miles south of Post on Highway 669. This location is on the east side of the road and was previously a gas plant that is closed. There should be plenty of parking at this location for the bus to pull completely off the road and for all parents to be able to pull their vehicles completely off the road. We do not want any students to have to cross the highway when getting on the bus or off the bus. It needs to be emphasized that we need parents to wait until the bus is completely unloaded and all students are safely in their parent’s car before cars leave the bus pickup/dropoff. The “morning pickup” time and “afternoon dropoff” time will be approximately the same as they are currently! Thank you for your help with this matter! Have a blessed day!
Jimmy Thomas
Borden County ISD